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#1 Standartinė Justuxe » 2006 03 09 12:12

gal zinote kur galima internete rasti CSI: Miami zaidimo perejimo aprasyma?
o gal kokiu kodu yra? nors abejoju.

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Užsiregistravo:2004 06 05 09:07
Miestas:Tenpenny Tower

#2 Standartinė +Ameno+ » 2006 03 09 16:34

va radau vienam forume
So don't read them unless you're REALLY stuck!!

Case 1 "Later Gator" [this walkthru is for the Beginner Level]
[pretty much all re-written as I added all sorts of things. So if you copied and pasted this to your puter before January 8th 2005, 7.54pm EST, delete it and save this one.]

1. Go to the crime scene [Locations > golf ball icon] and talk to the witness / suspects: Ty Landon and Judge Lawford. Ask all questions for each and then search the crime scene area. Use the swab at the wrist area [Evidence > Items > double click arm icon. Then click on Tools > Collection > and the Swab icon. This picks up the swab and all you do now is click on the wrist where the oily substance is to get a sample]. Pick up the arm. You can look at the alligator's wound, but you can't do anything with it.
2. Go to the Morgue [Locations > table icon] and ask Alexx all the questions. Check the alligator's stomach contents, find and take two items: PDA and silver bracelet [Click on Tools > Collection > Glove icon. Now you can retrieve the evidence from the stomach].
3. Go to the Lab [Locations > microscope icon] and give the arm, swab, PDA and silver bracelet evidence to Valera [Evidence > Trace > oily substance swab and drag it to Valera. Do the same for the Items sub-tab. Make sure to always drag ALL items to Valera]. Check oily substance under Image Enhancement / Microscopy Equipment [microscope, bottom left corner of the work bench]. Do a search on the DNA in the CSI Lab Computer [computer, on the right of the microscope]. Do a search on the PDA and solve the Cryptogram: "I am ending it right now. My family is being ripped apart from everything I've done. You will never see me again." Note how the computer is set up with the New and Total. This helps you keep track of what you’ve done a search on / made a match for. If you see a 1 New / 3 Total then something’s there that you haven’t done a search on yet.
NOTE: ALL INCORRECT MATCHES WILL COUNT AGAINST YOUR OVER-ALL EVALUATION! This goes for EVERY thing you do a search / compare with, not only using the computer, but the microscope as well!! Any hints you ask for count against your over-all as well. If you’re not sure if there’s a match for something, drag a Possible Match into the second viewing screen, wait a couple seconds, drag the next one in, wait a few seconds, until you’ve put them all in. If your partner says, “I don’t see a match here.” [or something similar] then there’s no matches. If they said, “I think there’s a match here.” [or something similar] then there’s a match there somewhere. Take your time and look carefully!!
4. Go to the Palm Glen golf course and talk to Ty Landon and ask him all the questions.
5. Go to Yelina [Locations > badge icon] and get the address for the Coles'.
6. Go to the Coles' home [Locations > lawn chair icon] [whenever you get a little commercial scene while going from one location to another, just right click and it stops] and ask Heather all the questions. Use the magnifier on the paint tube [over in the far left side of the screen, to the left of the garden hose, take the fiber using the tweezers. Get a close up of the saw and take it [just to the right of the sawhorse], don't forget to look at the golf bag [on the deck in front of the patio doors. Don’t forget to get a print. Tools > Detection > Fingerprint Powder, second one in]. Look at where the deck planks don’t match. Calleigh will snap a photo. You CAN take a peek under the deck, but can’t do anything as you don’t have a search warrant yet. You can only look under there ONCE for now, but don’t worry, once you get your search warrant you’ll be able to get under there again. Ask Heather new questions.
7. Go to the Lab and give the paint tube, fiber, photo, fingerprint and the saw evidence to Valera. Do a search on the fiber under the microscope and compare for a match. Do a search on the print and compare for a match. Evidence > Documents / Photos is where your photo went.
8. Go to Yelina and ask her the new questions, adds new location.
9. Go to the Landons' garage [Locations > house icon] and talk to Jessica (Ty and Ronni's daughter): Ask all the questions. Go into the garage and talk to Ronni, ask her all the questions. You can’t look around here yet.
10. Go to the Palm Glen Golf Course and talk to Ty, ask him the new questions.
11. Go to Crime Scene and click on the spot where the alligator’s tail was. Use the Luminol [it’s the last item in your Tools > Detection tab] on the grass and use a swab [where the alligator's torso and tail were].
12. Go to the bridge [look up and to the right a bit and you’ll see a bridge] on the Palm Glen and get close-up of the regurgitation and take it. Get close-up of plastic scrap and take it. [they’re on the other side of the river, to the right of the drain pipe. The plastic scrap is under the regurgitation.]
13. Go to the Lab and give the regurgitation and plastic scrap evidence to Valera. Check the plastic scrap with the microscope.
14. Go to the Morgue and ask Alexx the new questions.
15. Go to Yelina and get the address for Judge Lawford, pay him a visit and ask him all the questions.
16. Go to Yelina and get a copy of Ronni Landon's divorce papers.
17. Go to the Lab and give the divorce papers to Valera [Evidence > Documents / Photos > divorce papers icon].
18. Go to the Landons' garage and ask Ronni new questions. Find the plastic scrap [a few feet in front of Ronni and a few feet to the left of the truck]. Get close-up of the golf bag [it's right beside you on your right], read the tag and find the picture in one of the pockets. Use the magnifier on the picture, take the fiber and the picture. Ask Ronni new questions.
19. Go to the Lab and give the plastic scrap, fiber and picture evidence to Valera. Use the microscope to search and compare fibers. Compare plastic scraps, but don’t match them up, they don’t.
20. Go to the Palm Glen Golf Course and ask Ty the new questions.
21. Go to Judge Lawford and ask the new questions.
22. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions to get an interview with Jessica.
23. Go to the interrogation room and talk to Jessica and ask her all the new questions.
24. Go to the Coles' deck and ask Heather the new questions.
25. Go to the Landons' garage and ask Ronni the new questions.
26. Go to the Coles' deck and ask Heather the new questions.
27. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for the Landon Garage.
28. Go to the Landons' Garage and get a close-up of the window [click on the lower left of the window where the garbage bag meets the sill], get the fingerprint from the window ledge. Check the first locker from the right, find severed hand in Ronnie's golf bag. Check second locker from the right, find Ty's golf bag [both lockers are beside the window on the left]. Go left to the workbench and use flashlight on the bottom shelf, find the blade cover, swab the oily substance and take the saw cover.
29. Go to the Lab and give the oily substance swab, saw cover, severed hand and print evidence to Valera. Compare the oily substances under the microscope. Do a search and compare prints for the victim's identity. Compare DNA for a match between the arm and hand.
30. Go to the Morgue and ask Alexx the new questions.
31. Go to Yelina and ask new questions. Ask to talk to Jessica again and ask her all the questions.
32. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions. Talk to Russ by phone at Police Station.
33. Go to Yelina and ask for a suspect warrant for Ronni and ask her all the questions.
34. Go to the Palm Glen Golf Course and ask Ty the new questions.
35. Go to the Coles' deck and ask the new questions.
36. Go to Yelina and ask for a suspect warrant for Ty Landon and ask him all the questions.
37. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for the Coles' deck. Look under the deck and use flashlight. Get score card. Get sample of oily substance [this is about 4 inches on the right of the score card]. Talk to Heather.
38. Go to the Lab and give the score card and the swab of oily substance evidence to Valera. Compare the 3 oily samples under the microscope.
39. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for the Coles' boat. Look on the floor and get the plastic scrap. Use Luminol on the bottom of doorway and swab it.
40. Go to the Lab and give the plastic scrap and the swab evidence to Valera. Compare DNA in computer. Compare plastic scraps.
41. Go to Yelina and get a suspect warrant for Heather.

YIPPIE!!!! You're done Case 1!!

Case 2 "Crack or Jack" [this walkthru is for the Beginner Level]
[pretty much all re-written as I added all sorts of things. So if you copied and pasted this to your puter before January 8th 2005, 10.43pm EST, delete it and save this one.]

1. Go to the crime scene, talk to Enrique and ask him all the questions.
2. Examine Victim [on Enrique's right (your left!) side and over a screen]. Take a swab of blood from the vic’s wound. Get the wallet from the back pocket and take the business card. Pick up the glass shards. Take the light. Find the bolt on floor and take it [you’ll have to back up a screen after getting the light and glass to see the bolt]. Get a close up of the vic’s shoes and use the Adhesive Specimen Mount [last item, Tools > Collection] to get a sample of the powdery substance.
3. Talk to Enrique and ask the new questions.
4. Go to Morgue and ask all the questions. Make sure to ask to examine the body. Use Mikrosil [4th item, Tools > Collection] on wound. Ask more questions. You are able to look at the vic’s clothes on the tray stand, but unless you didn’t get the sample from his shoes earlier you won’t be able to do anything here.
5. Go to the Lab and give the blood swab, business card, glass shards, light, bolt, Mikrosil wound impression and powdery substance evidence to Valera. Search the DNA in computer and compare. Do a search on the business card. Go to the assembly table and put the glass shards together. Exit from the table and double click on the glass icon in your Evidence > Items and get a close-up to get the fingerprint. Give the print evidence to Valera. Do a search of the print and compare it. Look at the Mikrosil lift under the microscope. When you do a search of the powdery substance, it doesn’t look like there’s an exact match, but there is. The only one of the possible matches that has the same size and color is the match.
6. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions.
7. Go to Fate Nightclub [Location > disco ball icon] and ask Enrique the new questions.
8. Go to the Lab and give the new evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the print.
9. Go to the Morgue and ask the new questions.
10. Go to Fate Nightclub and ask Enrique the new questions. You'll get two new suspects and a location.
11. Go to Whiskey Stop [Location > beer mug icon] and talk to Nicky Winters and ask all the questions. Adds a new location. Look around and go to the trophy case [on Nicky's right (your left!) side up against the wall]. Use Mikrosil on the glove trophy. Use Luminol on top of the trophy and swab it. Look at virtual golf set-up [follow that wall going left]. Ask Nicky new questions.
12. Go to Microbrewery [Location > beer vat icon] and ask Ron Preston all the questions. Look around the microbrewery. Take swab of spill [in front of the first vat beside the stairs]. Look at the valve on the second beer vat. Find the mug on the desk [beside you on your left when you first came in], get a close up and use Mikrosil on it. Take the mug.
13. Go to the Lab and give the Mikrosil trophy impression, trophy swab, spill swab, Mikrosil mug impression and the mug evidence to Valera. Check the 3 impressions under microscope and compare them. There’s no match and there never will be on any of the impressions. Do a search on the DNA and compare. Do a search on the contents of the mug. Make sure to compare all 3 yeast samples and make a match between two of them.
14. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions. Adds new location.
15. Enrique's car [Location > car icon] gets impounded so search the trunk [this was hard, click on the lower rear part of the bumper after clicking on the door to get a close up. It was the only way I could get into it.] and take the tool [NOTE: You can only get into the trunk ONCE after taking the tool. Whether you can again if you didn’t take it, I don’t know]. Click on the door again to open it and use the Ultraviolet light on the back seat to get a swab. Look under the front seat and take money. Look in glove box, take the bag and use the magnifier on it. Get the print from the upper left hand corner.
16. Go to the Lab and give the tool, fluid swab, envelope of money, and the bag evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare prints. Do a search and compare DNA. Do a search on the drugs.
17. Go to Fate Nightclub and ask Enrique the new questions.
18. Go to Whiskey Stop and ask Nicky the new questions.
19. Go to Microbrewery and ask Ron the new questions.
20. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions.
21. Go to Microbrewery and ask Ron the new question.
22. Go to Yelina and ask the new question. Get a copy of Enrique's bank records.
23. Go to the Fate Nightclub and ask Enrique the new questions.
24. Go to the Lab and give bank records evidence to Valera. Do a search on them.
25. Go to Yelina and get suspect interrogation warrant for Enrique. Ask him all the questions.
26. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for Fate Nightclub.
27. Go to Fate Nightclub and get close-up of the tap [the one closest to you]. Use Luminol and swab it. Back up and click on the back of the same beer tap. Use the Mikrosil to get an impression. Go to the register and hit the green key. Click inside the drawer to get a close-up of the money, take the C-Note, use the magnifier to get a close up and then use Ninhydrin to get fingerprint on the bottom just above the tear. Back out and use the magnifier again to get a close-up of the top of the money, get a sample of the powdery substance using Adhesive Specimen Mount. Go to the DJ booth and get a close up of the ladder. Get the print using the Magnetic Powder.
28. Go to the Lab and give the tap swab, Mikrosil impression, C-Note, C-Note print, powdery substance and ladder print sample evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare prints, and do a search on the DNA and the powdery substance.
29. Go to Yelina and get a suspect interrogation with Enrique. Ask the new questions.
30. Go to Yelina and ask the new question. Get a suspect interrogation with Nicky and ask her all the questions.
31. Go to Yelina, ask to talk to Enrique again and ask the new questions.
32. Go to Yelina and ask for a suspect interrogation with Ron and ask all the questions.
33. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for the Microbrewery.
34. Go to the Microbrewery, click on the second vat on the right, click on it again and get a swab. Go to the valve, click on it to drain the vat and then go back up to the vat and take the tool.
35. Go to the Lab and give the vat swab and tool evidence to Valera. Do a search on the swab, compare with sample from vic’s shoe.
36. Go to Yelina, ask to talk to Ron again and ask the new questions.

YIPPIE!!!! You're done Case 2!!

Case 3 "The Hate Boat" [this walkthru is for the Beginner Level]
[pretty much all re-written as I added all sorts of things. So if you copied and pasted this to your puter before January 9th 2005, 2.04am EST, delete it and save this one.]

1. Go to the crime scene [boat icon] and pick up the rope to the left of the bed. Open cabinet, look at the empty shelf, Delko’ll snap a picture, take one video tape [the one on top of the right hand pile] and look at the camera. Get the rope [to the right of the cabinet] and the duct tape [to the right of the rope]. Get a close-up of the victim. Get a close-up of the blanket, just under the victim's face, use the Ultraviolet light and swab the substance. Get a close-up of the vic's wrist. Get a close-up of the mask on the wall at the back of the room [in between the second lamp and the vase]. Take torn the picture from the garbage [beside the mirror to the right of the mask].
2. Go to the Morgue and ask all the questions. Ask to look at the body and ask the questions. Get semen sample.
3. Go to the Lab and give the rope, cabinet picture, video tape, substance swab, torn picture, duct tape, semen swab and bullet evidence to Valera. Examine the rope and duct tape under the microscope. Do a search and compare the blanket DNA in the computer. Do a search and compare the bullet. Do a search and compare the semen DNA. Go to the assembly table and put the picture together. Give it to Valera. Do a search on the photo in the computer.
4. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions. Get a new suspect and location.
5. Go to the Waterfront home [Location > dock icon], talk to Julia Alvarez and ask all the questions.
6. Go to Yelina and ask the new question.
7. Go to the Lab and give both recorded evidence to Valera. Compare the tapes in the computer.
8. Go to the Waterfront home and ask Julia the new questions.
9. Go to Yelina and get a suspect warrant for Julia Alvarez. Talk to Julia and ask all the questions. [am I the only one who noticed the bruising on Julia's neck??????]
10. Go to the Waterfront home, talk to Thad and ask all the questions. Look around on the dock and find the blood on the beam and swab it [just onto the dock and on the right side]. Go to the end of the dock [closest to the boat] and look at the mooring anchor. Use the magnifier and take the fiber. Halfway between the pail and the end of the doc, find the shoeprint in the seagull droppings. Use the Adhesive Lifter to get it.
11. Go to the Lab and give the blood swab, shoe print and fiber evidence to Valera. View the fiber and compare under the microscope. Do a search and compare the DNA in the computer. Do a search on the footprint and compare.
12. Go to the Waterfront home and ask Thad the new questions.
13. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Julia Alvarez. Ask the new questions.
14. Go to the Waterfront home and ask Thad the new questions.
15. Go to Yelina and ask the new question. Adds a new location.
16. Go to Troy Sullivan's home [condominium icon] and ask all the questions.
17. Go to Yelina and ask the new question.
18. Talk to Troy in the interrogation room and ask all the questions.
19. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Julia Alvarez and ask the new questions.
20. Go to the Lab and give the gun evidence to Valera. Compare the bullets under the microscope. Do a search on the gun in the computer.
21. Go to the Waterfront home and ask Thad the new questions.
22. Go to Yelina and ask to talk to Julia again.
23. Go to Yelina and ask for a suspect interrogation with Thad. Ask all the questions.
24. Go to the Lab and give the new evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the DNA in the computer.
25. Go to Yelina and ask the new question. Adds a new location.
26. Go to the dive site [starfish icon] and find the cell phone near the three small rocks and take it. Find the case and take the video equipment and the bottle. Get a close-up of the bottle, use the magnifier near the cap. Get the fingerprint and use the tweezers on the duct tape.
27. Go to the Lab and give the cell phone, video equipment, bottle, fingerprint, and duct tape evidence to Valera. Check the cell phone image in the microscope. Compare the duct tape samples. Do a search on the fingerprint.
28. Go to Yelina and ask the new question.
29. Go to the dive site and search for the gun near the post [the second dark hole], use the flashlight and take the gun.
30. Go to the Lab and give the gun evidence to Valera. Get a close up of the gun and get the duct tape from the muzzle. Compare the bullets under the microscope. Do a search on the gun in the computer.
31. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Troy Sullivan. Ask the new questions. Get his prints.
32. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Julia Alvarez. Ask the new question.
33. Go to the Lab and give the print to Valera. Do a search and compare the prints in the computer.
34. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Troy. Ask the new questions.
35. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for Troy's home. Take the newspaper clippings from the coffee table. Take the shoes.
36. Go to the Lab and give the newspaper clippings and shoes evidence to Valera. Compare the shoe prints in the computer.
37. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Troy Sullivan. Ask the new questions.

YIPPIE!!!! You're done Case 3!!

Case 4 "Sunstroke" [this walkthru is for the Beginner Level]
[pretty much all re-written as I added all sorts of things. So if you copied and pasted this to your puter before January 9th 2005, 4.19pm EST, delete it and save this one.]

1. Go to the beach / crime scene [Locations > umbrella icon], talk to Hugo Jackson and ask all the questions. Collect the evidence: notebook, torn note, drink, use the magnifier on the lotion bottle cap and get the fingerprint. Out of close-up use the magnifier on the bottle - get the fingerprint, take the bottle and look at the dog.
2. Go to the Morgue, have the victim and dog bodies recovered and ask all the questions. Get a DNA sample from the vic.
3. Go to the Lab and give the notebook, torn note, drink, bottle, cap print, bottle print, DNA sample, and glass evidence to Valera. Do a search on all fingerprints and compare (will get you two new suspects), do a search on the lotion. Go to the lab assembly table and put the note together. Show it to Valera.
4. Go to the beach house [Locations > shell icon] and look at the aquarium while you’re there, see the dead fish? Doesn’t do you any good in the game, but you can grab it. Take a peek at the octopus too. Look up at the top right corner of the glass and get the print. Talk to Hugo Jackson and ask all questions. Get his prints. Talk to Donny Bronson and ask all questions. Talk to Martin Fordham and ask all the questions. Get a new location. Talk to Denise Diamond and ask all the questions. Get a new location.
5. Go to the Lab and give Valera the fingerprint evidence. Do a search on the fingerprints and compare with other prints.
6. Go to Yelina and ask the new questions.
7. Go to the Morgue and ask all the questions. Get the dog’s blood sample and swab the victim's stomach.
8. Go to the beach house and get Roy's Last Will and Testament from Donny Bronson.
9. Talk to Hugo and ask the new questions.
10. Go to Denise's room [Locations > bed icon (sorry but I gotta laugh at that!!)] and ask all the questions. Search Denise's room and look in the desk drawer, take the vial. Go to the night table, use the magnifier on the syringe, get the fingerprint and take the syringe.
11. Go to Martin's room [Locations > door icon (what’s up with that??! A bed and a door?? **hums the theme for The Polka Dot Door**)] and ask all the questions.
12. Go to the Morgue and get vic’s blood sample.
13. Go to Lab and give the blood sample, vial, syringe, and fingerprint evidence to Valera. Do a search on the print and compare with other prints. Do a search on the vial.
14. Go to Denise's room and ask the new questions.
15. Go to Martin's room and ask the new question.
16. Go to Yelina and get a suspect warrant for Denise Diamond. Ask Denise all the questions.
17. Go to Yelina and get a search warrant for Martin's room.
18. Go to Martin's room and on the shelf [on the left where the towels are hanging], take the bottle. On the counter, take the box of syringes, take the insecticide from under the sink, and take the syringe from the garbage. Get a close of the box and use the Magnetic Powder to lift a print.
19. Go to the Lab and give the bottle, box of syringes, box print, insecticide, and syringe evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the DNA. Do a search on the other new evidence.
20. Go to Yelina and get a suspect warrant for Martin Fordham. Ask all the questions. Get the note.
21. Go to the Lab and give the note evidence to Valera. Do the cryptogram on the computer. "You have no choice. You will join me in my room tonight or face the consequences.
22. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Denise. Ask all the questions.
23. Go to the beach house and take the dead octopus from the aquarium.
24. Go to the Lab and give the octopus evidence to Valera.
25. Go to the Morgue and ask the new questions.
26. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Martin. Ask the new questions. [I have to laugh at this conversation. Martin is supposedly an aquatic know-it-all and yet when he tries to pluralize the word “octopus” he says “octopus” and funny thing is: the plural form of the word is “octopi” and also, although much less commonly, “octopuses”]
27. Go to the beach house and ask Hugo all the questions.
28. Go to the beach and use the Casting Plaster and Frame to get the shoeprint [between the lounge chair and the big rock].
29. Go to the Lab and give the cast of the shoe print evidence to Valera. Do a search on the shoe print and compare.
30. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Denise. Ask the new questions.
31. Go to the beach and search between the rocks [to the right of where you got the shoeprint]. Use the brush on the sand and take the lotion. Notice anything else? Use the magnifier and then the brush on the sand again, find the nail and take it with the tweezers.
32. Go to the Lab and give the lotion and nail evidence to Valera. Do a search on the nail DNA and compare it. Do a search on the lotion.
33. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Denise Diamond.

YIPPIE!!!! You're done Case 4!!

Case 5 "Final Judgement" [this walkthru is for the Beginner Level]
[pretty much all re-written as I added all sorts of things. So if you copied and pasted this to your puter before January 9th 2005, 9.18pm EST, delete it and save this one.]

1. Go to the crime scene [Locations > bust icon] and get a close-up of the victim. Get a close-up of the wound and swab it. Use the magnifying scope on the hand. Take the laptop PC and pen from the desk. Get a close-up of the printer and get the print from the red button. Get a close-up of the roulette wheel [black 17] get the fingerprint. At the bar area, use the flashlight on the floor, swab the substance and take the bottle. Use the magnifier and get a close-up of medicine bottle, get fingerprint off of the cap. Take the notebook from the counter. In the fireplace find the burnt paper and the computer disk, use the brush on the disk and take the flesh with the tweezers. Notice the bust in the corner of the room.
2. Go to the Morgue and ask to recover the body. Ask all the questions. Ask to look at the body, get a close-up of the neck area.
3. Go to the crime scene and get close-up of the black spot on the wall near the printer. Go to the bookshelf and find the bullet in a book.
4. Go to the Lab and give the wound swab, laptop PC, pen, print from the printer, roulette wheel fingerprint, substance swab, bottle, bottle fingerprint, notebook, burnt paper, computer disk, bullet and flesh evidence to Valera. Do a search on the print from the printer, roulette print and bottle print. Compare and match two prints. Do a search on the wound swab, piece of flesh and the substance swab. Do a search on the bullet and compare the bullets under the microscope. Do a search on the bottle contents and the disk. Cryptogram message from the disk: "I also have my suspicions that famous lawyer Donny Bronson has been involved in jury tampering."
5. Go to Yelina and ask all the questions. Adds a new location and suspect. Ask for a prisoner interview with Troy Sullivan. Ask all the questions.
6. Go to the Palm Glen [Locations > golf ball icon], talk to Donny Bronson and Ty Landon. Ask all the questions. Get a new suspect.
7. Go to Yelina and ask for a prisoner interview with Heather Cole. Ask all the questions.
8. Go to the Palm Glen and ask Ty Landon the new question. Get a new suspect.
9. Go to Yelina and get a prisoner interview with Denise Diamond. Ask all the questions.
10. Go to the Palm Glen and talk to Donny Bronson. Ask all the questions.
11. Go to Yelina and ask the new question. Talk to Louis Stanford. Ask all the questions.
12. Go to the Palm Glen and talk to Donny Bronson and Ty Landon. Ask all the questions. Get a new suspect.
13. Go to Yelina and ask the new question. Get a search warrant for the Microbrewery. Adds a new location. Ask for a prisoner interview with Troy Sullivan. Ask all the questions. Continue the prisoner interview with Heather Cole. Ask the new questions.
14. Go to the Microbrewery [Locations > beer vat icon] and pick up the cigarette butt from the floor. Talk to Ron Preston. Ask all the questions.
15. Go to Yelina and continue the prisoner interview with Troy Sullivan. Ask the new question.
16. Go to Yelina and continue the suspect interrogation with Louis Stanford. Ask the new question.
17. Go to Yelina and re-open the search warrant for the Cole home. Adds a new location.
18. Go to the Lab and give the cigarette butt and Ron's Black 17 note evidence to Valera. Do a search on the butt and compare the DNA.
19. Go to Cole Home [Locations > lounge chair icon] and find the gun on the deck. Get the print off the bottle and take the bottle. Take the note off the table; "red 30". Find the shoeprint on the deck, use the adhesive lifter. Get close-up of the gun in evidence and use the tweezers to take the skin.
20. Go to the Lab and give the gun, bottle, bottle fingerprint, note, shoeprint, and skin sample evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the fingerprints and the DNA. Compare the bullets. Do a search on the gun and the shoeprint. Do a search on the skin sample and then make a match.
21. Go to the Morgue and ask all the new questions. Get fingerprints from the Judge's body.
22. Go to the Lab and give the Judge's fingerprints evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the new print.
23. Go to Yelina and ask for a prisoner interview with Heather Cole. Ask all the questions.
24. Go to Yelina and ask for a suspect interrogation with Louis Stanford. Ask all the questions.
25. Go to the Morgue and ask the new questions. Get a sample of the Judge’s blood.
26. Go to the Lab and give the new evidence to Valera.
27. Go to Yelina and ask for a prisoner interview with Heather Cole. Ask the new questions.
28. Go to the Palm Glen and talk to Donny Bronson. Ask the new questions.
29. Go to Yelina and get a suspect warrant for Donny Bronson. Ask all the questions.
30. Go to Yelina and get search warrants for the Diamond and Sullivan homes. Adds new locations.
31. Go to the Diamond home [Locations > shell icon] and take the tissue from the coffee table.
32. Go to Troy Sullivan's home [Locations > condominium icon] and get the fingerprint off the glass and take the glass.
33. Go to the Lab and give the tissue, glass, and glass fingerprint evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the prints and DNA.
34. Go to Yelina and ask for a prisoner interview with Heather Cole. Ask all the questions.
35. Go to Yelina and ask for a prisoner interview with Troy Sullivan. Ask all the questions. Get the new evidence.
36. Go to Yelina and ask for a prisoner interview with Denise Diamond. Ask all the questions. Get the new evidence.
37. Go to the Lab and give Troy's Black 11 and Denise's Red 18 note evidence to Valera.
38. Go into your Case File and find the correct order for the roulette wheel notes, which is case order of suspects in previous cases. [Cole: Red 30, Preston: Black 17, Sullivan: Black 11, Diamond: Red 18]
39. Go to the Judge's study and click on the roulette numbers in the correct order. If you're correct, you'll hear a click. Turn around and find the open floor board [by the door]. Take the shoe and swab it. Take the torn photo.
40. Go to the Lab and give the shoe and torn photo evidence to Valera. Do a search and compare the DNA. Go to the assembly table and put the photo together.
41. Go to the Judge's study and break the bust in the corner and take the video tape.
42. Go to the Lab and give the video tape to Valera. Watch.

YIPPIE!!!! You're done Case 5!!

Vartotojo avataras
Užsiregistravo:2004 08 07 11:20

#3 Standartinė Justuxe » 2006 03 09 16:50

tu dievas!! aciu, tu nezinai kiek laiko ieskojau sio dalyko... :)

Vartotojo avataras
Užsiregistravo:2004 06 05 09:07
Miestas:Tenpenny Tower

#4 Standartinė +Ameno+ » 2006 03 09 21:16

as net 5 min neuztrukau

Vartotojo avataras
Užsiregistravo:2004 08 07 11:20

#5 Standartinė Justuxe » 2006 03 11 16:56

reiskias is manes ne kokia ieskotoja... :)

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